Transform Your Businesss

Learn to Sell bold and audacious products or services

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All The Tools You Need To Win in the C-Suite

Leverage insights from hundreds of CxO interviews to craft your sales strategy and land more deals.

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Meet Adam Paulisick

Adam is a serial entrepreneur and an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship (sales, marketing, and digital product design) at the graduate level of Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business, School of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence program, and Human-Computer Interaction Institute (the first HCI grad program of record).

Prior to Adam’s focus on teaching at CMU, Adam was the Chief Product Officer at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) resulting from the acquisition of MAYA Design. He was also a Senior Vice President at the Nielsen Company post the acquisition of BuzzMetrics, with global leadership roles based in the US and Europe.

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Selling Audacious, Bold Solutions Requires a New Strategy:

Stop Wasting Time in Consultative Sales, Stop Failing to Connect to a CxO's reward system, and Stop being Stumped by Hard Questions. Instead;

Crowdsource Your Best Answers

Prepare your team for Hostile FAQs.

The BRIC Bounce

Sequence your Pitch to Maximize Impact and overcome objections.

Investor Mindset

Turn your Buyer into an Investor that will allocate budget and reputation to your solution.

Ready to Learn How?


Solve These Today!

The BRIC Course is Just What You Need!

This course is designed to help entrepreneurs understand the best strategies for selling their business. You'll learn how to speak to the C-suite, overcome objections, and shorten your sales process.

Professor & Entrepreneur Adam Paulisick provides you with the knowledge and tools you need to impact the world with your bold solutions. Plus, you'll get access to real-world case studies and examples to help you better understand the concepts.

By the end of the course, you'll have a clear understanding of the strategies and tactics needed to strengthen your B2B sales process in any industry. You'll learn what works (and what doesn't) directly from C-Suite Execs at Fortune 500 companies like T-Mobile, L'Oreal, and IKEA.

So, if you're looking to take your business to the next level, this online course is just what you need. Sign up today and start scaling your business for success!

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